Ein dreiteiliger Seminarzyklus für alle,
die lebendige erfüllte Beziehungen möchten
die des alten Geschlechterkampfes und der alten Geschlechterrollen überdrüssig sind
die das Suchen satt haben und bereit sind, zu finden
die wissen, dass Veränderung der Welt im Aussen im eigenen Innen beginnt
die das Leiden durch Unterdrückung und Zurückhaltung bestimmter Anteile beenden wollen
die die Einladung der Freiheit und die damit einhergehende Verantwortung annehmen
die bereit sind, sich selbst und den andern in einer neuen Art zu begegnen und neue Beziehungsstrukturen zu erschaffen
Du steigst aus aus dem alten patriarchalen Karussell und bist dein eigenes Gyroskop auf der Entdeckungsreise mit den Archetypen deiner heiligen Männlichkeit und Weiblichkeit. Du bestimmst Geschwindigkeit und Richtung ihrer Wandlung. Du erschaffst dich und sie im endlosen Tanz mit den zeitlosen weiblichen und männlichen Schöpfungskräften, während sie ihre und deine Heilige Hochzeit vollziehen.
960.- €
Die Anmeldung ist für den gesamten Kurs und verbindlich.
Bildquelle: indiamart.com

A three fold seminar cycle for all who
want vital fulfilled relationships
are weary of the old battle of the sexes and the old gender roles
are fed up with searching and ready for finding in creating
know that change in the outer world begins inside
wish to do away with the suffering that results from suppressing and restraining certain aspects
accept the freedom and the responsibility going hand in hand with it
are ready to meet themselves and others in a new way and to create new relationship structures
You step out of the old patriarchal roundabout and are your own gyroscope on the journey with your masculine and feminine archetypes. You set the speed and direction of their change. You create yourself and them in the endless dance with the timeless feminine and masculine creational forces, while they carry our their sacred marriage.
960.- €
The registration applies for the whole course and is binding
10.-12. January 2020
05.-07. June 2020
06.-08. November 2020
picture source: indiamart.com

More and more people have become conscious about the unbalance between women and men which we have created over millennia. The gap of separation is huge, projections and disappointments are predestined. How do drop out of the patriarchal roundabout? And not to jump straight away onto another already made one?
The energy window of the big Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto conjunction is asking for completely new structures. “The king is dead, long live the king”. Likewise our inner king, who decides in which relationships we live in, how we see us and others, how we define ourselves as women and men, is allowed to die and with him all unusable structures.
Those who are ready to compost the old relationship structures are invited to the new threefold seminar cycle. No successfully completed seminars and no foreknowledge are required. All it needs is the yearning for fulfilled vital relationships, to be weary of the old battle of the sexes and the old gender roles, to be fed up with searching and ready for finding in creating, the knowledge that change in the outer world begins inside, the wish to do away with the suffering that results from suppressing and restraining certain aspects, to accept the freedom and the responsibility going hand in hand with it, the readiness to meet oneself and the other in a new way.
You are your own gyroscope on the discovery journey with the archetypes of your holy masculinity and femininity. You set the speed and direction of their change. You create yourself and them in the endless dance with the timeless female and male creational forces while they carry out their and your Sacred Marriage.
960.- €
The registration applies for the whole course and is binding
05.-07. June 2020
11.-13. September 2020
06.-08. November 2020
picture source: indiamart.com