The solar eclipse from 2nd July forms together with the partial lunar eclipse from 16th July the beginning of a new eclipse season (the next 6 months). The partial lunar eclipse builds the end of the eclipse cauldron which was opened by the total solar eclipse. The lunar eclipse will be visible in Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, South America.
Generally every lunar eclipse draws our attention to our emotions, our intimate relationships, our family and home. The partial lunar eclipse on 16th Juli picks up themes from the solar eclipse of 2nd July.
With the Moon (24.04 Capricorn) in conjunction with Pluto (21.50 rx Capricorn) and the Sun opposite to Pluto, these themes are intensified. It is very likely that we have to deal with conflicts and upheaval (inside of us as well as in our outer life), and with dramatic changes – in our personal relationships as well as in social and cultural ones.
Saturn (16.41 rx Capricorn) and Southnode (17.39 Capricorn) in opposition to Venus (16.15 Cancer) a the Northnode (as a reminder: Venus is in the underworld, ie she is not visible anymore; superior conjunction with the Sun (Venus behind the Sun) on 14th August 2019) suggests that our values and relationships will be in the focus – relationship patterns, relationship structures, expectations, projections, unvoiced wishes, so basically everything any bonds do offer. We can realise our old habits that have to do with holding back our power, compliance, manipulation, countenance, impotence, putting social duties before family matters, creating the split between masculine and feminine, sexual abuse, patriarchal authorities etc. We get in touch with our own needs and intentions and we can see the imbalance in any of our relationships more clearly. It will likely shock and rock us what we see, especially how we co-create that imbalance. Thus it is likely that our emotional reactions, our compulsive behaviour, the resolving of power struggles as well as of the old habitual compliances will lead into some crisis. Crisis felt inside and crisis with other people, foremost with those we have close relationships with.
It is important that we take /make time and space to deal with all this. Many deep buried and old memories, emotions, traumata will come to the surface. We have the chance to dream them to a good end, to rewrite the story, to write something that is different to the perpetual iteration loops.
The acceleration, the experience from full moon to new moon to full moon, happens on the emotional level. During the „new moon“ time, the shading off the Moon, we can reset our emotions (like a clock), we can set down the old emotional rucksack. Especially the baggage that hinders us to live conscious co-creative, collaborative relationships, in which both partners are valued for what they bring into the relationship, in which the interests of both partners are fulfilled.
As we couldn’t see the Solar Eclipse I recommend you to stay awake in the night from 16th to 17th July and watch the lunar eclipse. Whatever feels right for you, I invite you to use the eclipse window for your own intentions regarding relationships, family, power, equality, and do whatever kind of ritual.
Picture source: SockPuppetForTomruen (