November New Moon

Next new moon is 26th nov, 3.04 pm UTC
Moon and Sun 4.03 Sagittarius 
Quincunx Uranus (3.28 rx Taurus), semi sextile Mars (4.48 Scorpio), semi square Saturn (17.33 Capricorn) and Pluto (21.20 Capricorn), trine Chiron (1.33 rx Aries), conjunct fixed stars Acrab in the constellation of Scorpio and Yed Posterior in the constellation of the Serpent Bearer.
Disruptive, irratic, unpredictable, sudden changes are very very likely. Like sudden earthquake, light bulbs exploding, … scattering within and without the established structures of power, authority, government.
Being forced to step over an unknown threshold or stumbling while standing at the edge is usually scary, bringing up anxieties and defend mechanisms alike.
This new moon can make us feel restless, impulsive, nervous, full of tension, disruptive, angry, excited, hasty, rebellious.
Old wounds of having no power to defend, assert, fight, of one’s freedom being restricted and one’s self expression being blocked can arise. 
Best to trust the process and be open for change. The more we let go of the old secure structures the more of the new us, the new world, can come in. 
It will be helpful to find a creative expression for the deep buried helpless anger and wrath within instead of acting out hostile resentment and impulsive temper tantrums: Dancing it, singing it, moulding it into clay, carving it into wood, … … while breaking free of established limitations and allowing oneself to explore and find radical new ways of oneself /one’s life which the mind could not have predicted.
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November New Moon

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