The cosmic rhythm – Message from the Spirit World 12.06.2020

The joined intention of the tele study circle on 12th June was to find out more about the cosmic dance (see coagulation from 5th June).

We had many precious truthful powerful nourishing experiences. They all resulted in the following coagulation:

From the innermost (right down into the last crevices of sub-atomic particles) to the outermost (the furthest reaches of the universe)
all is vibration
all is light
all is cosmic song

The cosmic rhythm is the driving force 
behind all movement
behind all growth 
behind all life

Dancing the cosmic rhythm connects you with
all your lives
all lifethe primal mother, source of the Truth

The cosmic dance is a dance of growth
to dance you ever forward, into this life and out again, into the next.. out.. into.. out..
The cosmic dance is a dance of pure passion
to dance you into growth and bliss

If you align with it
Gold is your essence
you can but only live Truth
you can but only live Love 

You choose 
how much you align
how much ecstacy you are willing to bring onto the stage
how “just about the limit” your light show is

To be able to dance it, utterly and completely, 
cleanse on all levels – shed all impurities, all lies, all self-destruction, all un-nourishment
let the waters heal you – the waves, the rain, the tears, the sweat
become still in your heart

Look around you – all is visible, nothing is hidden
Listen to the ancient song of the eternal mother around you
Let your hips pick up the rhythm and lead your feet, one step after the other
on the lemniscate, the eternal path of life and death and life again

May your hip swing never cease. May your motto always be: this is the rhythm I need to go with. 💫 

image credit: geralt / pixabay

The cosmic rhythm – Message from the Spirit World 12.06.2020

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