New Moon July

Next New Moon is 20th July at 5.32 pm UT
Moon and Sun 28.26 Cancer
Opposite Saturn (28.39 rx Capricorn), Pluto (23.37 rx Capricorn) and Jupiter (21.30 rx Capricorn), semisquare Venus (15.24 Gemini), conjunct fixed star Procyon in the constellation of Canis Minor.
This New Moon asks us to deal seriously and pragmatically with any limitations we have created (actively or by allowing outer forces to do so) that hinder our self-expression, and where we have misused our power (actively or by giving it away to others), so that the universal laws were disobeyed.
It could feel hard, slow, frustrating, painful, like a struggle, like a burden, like falling into the melancholy-pot. It could manifest in separation, isolation, restriction, rejection, grief, difficulties with authorities. It could feel like too much responsibility, to many duties etc.
But it does not have to. It is all about honest, clear recognition of our life-situation and how much we have (and have not) allowed ourselves and all creation to be and express who we truly are. And the ancient wisdom keepers, the (universal) law keepers, the ones who know about time and timelines, are there to help, to guide us through if we address them.
We have to face, to look at our lives and see what we have done, take responsibilities for all, and become clear of and accept what has to and what can be changed. And then to do it. Step by step, slowly but gradually, with patience and persistence. Let old structures, relationships, habits, beliefs die and build new healthy ones that allow us to utterly truly be and express ourselves.
Of importance is to avoid rushing, being too hasty, impatient, hot tempered, reacting to provocations. Only then we can dig deeply for knowledge and can put thoughts and plans into action.
It is a great way to use the New Moon Window between 19th and 21st July and to connect with the ancient wise ones who are clearly in their power and sovereignty and who live in aware connection with all creation, and let them help you.
image credit: Till Credner
New Moon July

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