We all have found out by trial and error over many years what nourishes, is good for, our physical body, in terms of nutrition, exercise, weather, music, cultural things….
In order to shorten the trial and error time, we ask the Spirits in the Tele Study Circle what is nourishing, is good for, our light body/ energy body. And to receive answers as specific as possible – eg not just music but what kind of music, not just art but what kind of art, not just exercise but what kind of exercise etc etc

there, in your garden
next to the spring of the purest and cleanest water
between the trees and flowers
the vibrant orange slug takes her time
and savours each slow step of her high-spirited dance
with the sun rays coming through the foliage
there, in your garden
on the remote path up to the mountain
covered with various petals of vibrant colours
the unicorn kisses each plant
and sends her love into the leaves
so rich in vitamins and minerals
now is the time to leave your polluted environment,
strangulated by plastic waste,
submerged and suffocated by toxic fumes
now is the time to dismiss your toxic thoughts
which only feed those toxic relations
hardly leaving any space to feel and know yourself
by crossing the desert of your dead dreams
liberate yourself from the prison of your petty self
and return to your garden
here, lay face-down amongst the Dahlias and Hyacinths and
seeing and feeling the ongoing light exchange the earth and you have
you get to know yourself, your wisdom, your light
from the all-round view on the top of the mountain
deep down into the thick rich green of the forest
joining the humming and frolicking of the animals and flowers around you
bathing in the pure clean waters of your spring
meditatively your light body’s breath becomes steady
serenely you become assured, confident, engaged
intimate with your own human spirit and the spirit of life
trusting life enough to keep asking what is needed from you now
free of your demands, simply being open and available
with gentleness, decency and bravery
you partner with life, you do what needs to be done
and make yourself a home
image credit: Gordon Johnson / pixabay
Message from the Spirit World – 25.09.2020