Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse – 26.05.2021

the next Full Moon on 26th May at 11.13 am UT is quite a rarity
it is a total lunar eclipse – and as an eclipse accelerates whatever intention we hold now
it marks, together with the solar eclipse on 10th June, the beginning of the next eclipse season – thus its energies will last for the next half year
it is a supermoon (Moon perigee, 8% larger than usual) – thus all emotions (and waters) will be more intense than usual
it is a blood moon (reddish appearance)
the Moon is at 5°25’ Sagittarius (Sun 5°25’ Gemini)
conjunct the South Node (11°09’ rx Sagittarius), square Jupiter (1°11’ Pisces), conjunct the fixed stars Acrab and Jabbah in the head of Scorpius, which is considered to be one of the two gateways into the Milky Way.
it is helpful to be aware of extreme emotional states, outbursts, mood-swings. 
it is equally helpful to watch our need to expand, to grow, i.e. that it doesn’t manifest in excessive behaviour (greed, waste, exploitation / immorality, hybris, over-confidence / addictive eating, alcohol consume, gambling …).
as the Earth is passing between the Sun and the Moon, the Earth’s shadow is being cast on the Moon, we can use this and connect to our own shadow and with what is hidden in ourselves. engaging with our shadows, we learn to understand that shadows are doorways. they assist, they guide us, they have teachings and feelings that come out of them.
there is the invitation to become aware of the way we communicate, what words we use, what thoughts we think, as thoughts manifest into matter; to become as conscious about the constant thinking-process of our minds, of all the subconscious belief sentences with which we create our reality; to ponder questions like “what is my truth?“, “what of my old (karmic, learned, what I am good in) knowledge/believes/spiritual behaviour is still useful and which isn’t?“, “what do I (really) know and where might it be appropriate to allow an „I don’t know“ and open up for something new.
especially as one day after the eclipse the Moon will oppose Mercury, ruler of that Gemini-Sun, that source of light which during the eclipse casts the shadow of the Earth onto the Moon.
Mercury in Gemini invites us to let go of our rigid thinking, to release our beliefs we are attached to, and to return to life with curiosity and possibility. he invites us to take ourselves less seriously and to play more, be humorous, even in challenging moments. Magic happens in moments of “I don’t know”. Our thoughts create our reality, yet most of us are not aware of our repetitive thoughts, of the steady river of our subconscious that has grown with each incarnation, that has build up with each trauma, each violent experience.
the dangers of this total lunar eclipse lie in any “acts of war, bloodshed, spectacles of death, mock-fights”. especially as the Moon, after opposing Mercury and Venus, will oppose Mars. unfortunately Mercury then goes retrograde. there can be “difficulties, impediments, or loss”. there can be “mass catastrophes” – reading this from the ancient astrologers and looking around our world now is quite striking. there can be criticism, especially for interest in unpopular ideas. no matter what is going to manifest world-wide, we can change inside and cease the war within, cease going into battle with systems or some people, cease responding with fear, with reactivating the subconscious, and make the decision to respond with Love, to choose Love. Instead living on automatic, we can start to live consciously in each moment. this allows us to step out of the timeline we think is the only one there is. 
We are entering the Time of the Sixth Sun, a time of awakening and transformation of global consciousness, a time when humans awaken their true authentic nature and become wise men and women, a time of transition into a heart-based culture. The time has come where we can stop looking for guidance from any (political, religious etc) leader – we can look inside and turn to the wise man / woman we are becoming.
the centre piece of this becoming is turning to our hearts. to listen from our hearts, to answer from our hearts. we as humans have lost the connection with all-that-is because we think too much. when we are in our hearts we are always in the moment, all heaviness, all conflicts and battles cease to exist, we always are connected. to stop our permanent thinking is maybe the greatest challenge we have to face. to learn to trust an older and wiser understanding than our logical brain.
as the Full Moon changes to a New Moon and back to a Full Moon in just 15 minutes (something usually lasting 29.5 days), we can experience the collapse of time and also use this acceleration energy for our intention. we can also dive deeper into different timelines and the understanding of time per se.
it is quite magical to witness a total eclipse, and it is at least equally magical to plunge into its energies. coming from a full light we can enter the void, the great unknown, the primordial chaos and dive deep into the mysteries (universal as well as our own body mystical). then, coming back from the void, we can birth something new, a new light.
as the Earth, the Sun and the Moon are aligned they open a portal from the Great Above that activates certain planetary and personal codes. they kind of form a combination-lock and as they align, the lock clicks open). this unlocking very often leads to deep changes that then start to unfold so that those new energies can manifest.
understandably it is very helpful to have a strong intention. it is a really good time to expand our faith, our heart connection, our spiritual practices, to deepen our (spiritual) roots, to broaden our horizon, to step over the familiar boundaries of reality, to explore things of a particularly secret and hidden nature – like time, space, other dimensions, the tree of Light and the tree of Life.
great if you can use the exact time of the eclipse, even if you can’t see it, otherwise find some time between Tuesday and Thursday (drum, journey, walk the eighth, meditate) to surf this great cosmic wave with lots of openness, clear intention and deep curiosity.
image credit: Free-Photos / pixabay
Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse – 26.05.2021

2 thoughts on “Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse – 26.05.2021

  1. Thank you Nicoline
    Awesome post for this exciting g time of movement to the 6th Sun
    Marek x

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