Full Moon – 24.07.2021

the next full moon is 24th July at 2.36 am UT
Moon at 1°26’ Aquarius (Sun 1°26’ Leo)
quincunx Venus (2°30’ Virgo), semisextile Jupiter (0°27’rx Pisces), trine conjunct Pluto (25°24’ rx Capricron) and Saturn (10°51’ rx Aquarius), conjunct the fixed star Sham in the shaft of the Arrow, Sagitta, and the yellow-sapphire star Albireo in the beak of the Swan, Cygnus.
with this Full Moon we will likely experience some emotional tension, especially in relationships. the ability to observe our emotions from a distance helps, the knowledge that we are not our emotions but that we have them, and that emotions are energy in motions – they flow, they change, like a river they are sometimes wild and overflooding and also soft and tranquil. Aquarius, the water bearer, has the ability, to collect emotions and to transmute them. with this Full Moon we can tap into our ability to do this and to shift our consciousness. 
some of this Moon’s energies can be compared to the dead angle in a car mirror. one knows there is something but can’t see it clearly. thus it is likely we don’t even know what is irritating us. again: best to observe this, be conscious of it and staying centred and aligned. and when changing lanes double checking…    no matter what is happening, let us keep in mind that, despite the differences of our personal experiences, what is happening right now is affecting everyone, humanity as a whole. We undergo a massive change, a death and rebirth. and like the Swan, we can accept this and sing our most beautiful song. 
there will be unexpected thunderstorms, unexpected news, approaching/ hitting us. bringing a worsening of circumstances in from of more authoritarian control, regulations, limitations of personal freedom. again: instead of going into deep intense emotions, i.e. fear, worries, depressive moods, it is best to stay detached and observe both the outer world and our own inner reactions to it. and to take responsibility for our own power and sovereignty. this is not a time to doubt but to move forward in self-love, self-worth and self-acceptance. a time to sit with ourselves, to claim our power and creative potential. from that place we can find out what we can do and want do and will be able to do (not from frantic impulsive reactions to what is happening around us). from there we can step forward with love, confidence, responsibility and power. from there we can shoot the arrow… 
another issue could be lack – thinking that we are lacking knowledge, finances, self-worth, endurance, patience, whatever…. the invitation is, again, to sit with ourselves and to dig deep to the roots of our self-worth and self-trust and to release any thought, any ideas (that’s what thoughts are) of fear, lacking and inadequacy; to find our confidence, to tap into our deep inbuilt power, trust and knowledge of the truth.
we can expand by being open, stepping outside our familiar box, turning things upside down and inside out, doing and seeing things differently, finding our ability to be playful and interested in looking beyond the familiar, the rigid, the history-proved-„this is so“. in moving forward into the new we are asked to let go of anything that imprisons us, hinders us, makes us feel trapped, weighs us down. the letting go of our old paradigms of separation and fear is the death that transmutes us into living in higher frequency, living who we truly are.
use the Moon window between Friday and Sunday (drum, walk the eight, meditate etc) and plunge your head below the surface of the well-known and established. if you a doing yoga, exploring reversed asanas also supports the changing of one’s habitual perspective… 
image credit: Alexas_Fotos / pixabay
Full Moon – 24.07.2021

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