New Moon – 2.1.2022

the ringing in of 2022 with the brightest star (Sirius – our spiritual Sun, the Sun behind our Sun, the spiritual source of life and light) crossing the meridian around midnight (local time), sending light codes directly to the Earth, is followed by the year’s first New Moon on 2nd January at 6.33 pm
which will oppose Sirius some hours later 
which will be followed by Sun opposite Sirius on 4th January (time when also the Earth is being closest to the Sun)
providing a several-day-portal of direct energetic downloads from Sirius.
what an immense powerful start of the New Year !! when we open to the Earth’s magnetic grid when it is being charged with such radiant divine energy and receive the information/energy, it enables us to awaken to greater (eternal) love, knowledge and understanding, it activates our heart-energy and our light-body, it brings our subtle body into vibration and transforms the structures of our cells. see more to Sirius and the New Year here.
the New Moon has Moon and Sun at 12°20’ Capricorn
semisquare their ruler Saturn (12°05’ Aquarius), trine Uranus (10°55’ rx Taurus), square Chiron (8°31’ Aries), conjunct fixed star Nunki in the vane of the arrow in the archer’s hand
as you can see the New Moon is picking up (again) the Saturn-Uranus-square, which means that challenging changes of crumbling tradition and limited freedom are not over yet…. 
this time there is likely to be an old pain activated with it. pain regarding feeling unable to assert and unable to act the way we would like to.
on the other hand this New Moon also has a quality of truthfulness and spiritual interest and one great way I can think of to use all these energies is to listen to our own spiritual/heart’s calling, open up to that massive download and trust plus follow whatever we receive – instead of feeling stuck and frustrated because we can’t move about and act as free as we wish to in OR.
whichever restrictions effects us – they offer us to work with our own control mechanisms/restrictive thoughts and our fear behind them. the more we turn to them, the more we drop and let go of them so they can transform, the more freedom we gain. and we all know: as within… so without : )
use this special Moon window on either Saturday, Sunday or Monday (nice coincidence: days of Saturn, Sun and Moon)
to raise your love and understanding of our collective destiny
and may the whole world have a wonderful crossing of the threshold between the years
New Moon – 2.1.2022

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