New Moon – 2.3.2022

The next New Moon is on Wednesday 2nd March at 5.35 UT pm

Sun and Moon are at 12°06′ Pisces

conjunct Jupiter (14°16′ Pisces), sextile Uranus (11°36′ Taurus), semisquare Venus (26°59′ Capricorn), Mars (27°21′ Capricorn) and Pluto (27°49′ Capricorn)

This New Moon brings us the opportunity for growth – personal, spiritual and even material. We can improve our well-being and our happiness. It is a wonderful New Moon to start something new, be creative, inventive, and to experience new things or new sides of something old. We can become more independent, trust more our intuition and feel more comfortable expressing our true Self. 

It heralds an optimistic time but at the same time we are still asked, like at the last Full Moon and also since the current Inanna gate, to dig deep and follow Pluto’s call for dealing with long-time-burried issues. To do this we can be faced by external worldly affairs or by via looking inside straight away. Important is not to run away. When we don’t run away (no matter how painful the situation (within or without)) we can tend with love our inner sacred fire. We are being asked to release old perceptions of our values, our aggression, our desires, our lust, our power. We are asked to release what no longer serves us, individually as well as collectively. If necessary we have to allow the old fire to go out so we can light a new one. In the space which then unfolds, in the openness and acceptance, we can embrace new ways of perceiving ourselves and the world, we can allow our hypothalamus to perceive what we now call the impossible. By this we grow into our own true power, we gain insight and we become stronger, more resilient, more creative, more expressive.

Whatever comes up, it is wise to make sure that our intentions are for the benefit of others and enhance our generosity. I.e. to let die what is purely egoistic, where we think of ourselves first. It is an excellent time to broaden our horizons – literally (see Inanna gate) as well as metaphorically – and to deepen our understanding of true happiness.

The caution with Jupiter, as much as he is the most benign planet, is not to give in to greed, excesses and immorality. Another importance is not go into isolation, meanness, criticism, judgement and the like when confronted with depressive serious news.

Especially when we also are not tending to our mostly intense emotions this would likely lead to uncontrolled aggressive, destructive, ruthless and even violent behaviour (acting it out or being the recipient of it). Best, when feeling such downward dragging moods or thoughts, to focus with clear intent on a higher goal or/and to do and hold a sankalpa (a positive declaration or affirmationa. Sankalpa is a Sanskrit term; san, meaning “a connection with the highest truth,” and kalpa, meaning “vow”. One turns inward to connect with the heart’s highest intention. Unlike a goal which c ould only be an individual’s will, the sankalpa implies the universal will.)

Use the Moon window between Tuesday and Thursday (walk the eight, drum/journey, meditate etc) to widen your horizon and to get insights in new expressions for your most intensive desires and emotions.

“Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert


image credit: Lothar Dieterich / pixabay

New Moon – 2.3.2022

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