Astrological reading tips

Liz Green and Howard Sasportas, The twelve houses

Deborah Houlding, The houses – temples of the skies

Liz Green and Howard Sasportas, The luminaries

Liz Green and Howard Sasportas, Inner planets

Stephen Arroyo and Liz Greene, New insights into modern astrology

Liz Greene, Saturn – a new look at an old devil

Liz Greene, Neptune – and the quest for redemption

Melanie Reinhart, Chiron and the healing journey

Howard Sasportas, Direction and destiny in the birth chart


Liz Greene, Relationships and how to survive them

Richard Idemon, Through the Looking Glass – A Search for the Self in the Mirror of Relationships

Liz Greene, Astrology for lovers

Robert Hand, Planets in composite


Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas, The development of the personality

Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas, Dynamics of the unconscious


Robert Hand, Planets in transit

Howard Sasportas, The gods of change


John Frawley, The horary textbook

Bernadette Brady, Predictive Astrology

Bernadette Brady, Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars

William Lilly, Christian Astrology

Robert Zoller, Liber Hermetis

Ptolemäus, Tetrabiblos

Abraham Ibn Ezra, The Beginning of Wisdom

Nicholas Culpeper


Journals and websites:
Astrologie Heute
New Library
Mountain Astrologer 

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