message of the spirit world – 19.06.2020

As the tele circle fell into the solstice solar eclipse window we used the alchemical fire cauldron and set out with the following intention: How to stop creating our (century old) addiction to suffering? How do we change, heal it? i.e. lack of abundance, scarcity, health issues, lack of love, unfulfilled relationship, poverty, etc…

The coagulation of all answers was:

Know this:
Your addiction to suffering springs forth from
Your identification
Your immovability
Your separation
Your evaluation

To change, to heal, you first have to
turn around
pay witness to the millennia of years you lived a long way of the truth
acknowledge the past in all its distortions
cry about all sufferings you have afflicted upon yourselves
until all your pain is washed away.

Only once you have released the past
there is no need to look back again and you can
align with the present
free to choose
like a child curious and open
living in the moment

Practice becoming aware of the continuous endless vibration of each moment
Make the boundless dedication of the fool your habit
Let the swirling dance of the Dervish circle and spiral you into the stillness.
Get used to listen with full attention to the vibration of each moment
Trust and follow the wisdom of your spiritual allies
Dream-create the disappearance of the material mantle

Practice seeing all dissolving into light and colours
With the ecstatic dance of each cell become one with nature
melt with every-thing-being
and experience unity
out of which rainbow spirals grow
on which all dance comes forth from levity and joyfulness

Know the truth:
above is below and inside is outside
stars fall on and rise out of the ground
When you live your brightest light all that can’t be light crumbles to dust
Being in perpetual motion no matter what you experience 
you can’t but live undiluted bliss.

message of the spirit world – 19.06.2020

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