Full Moon October

the next Full Moon is on 1st of October at 9.05 pm UT
Moon 9°08’ Aries (Sun 9°08’ Libra)
conjunct Chiron (7°03’ rx Aries), semisextile Uranus (9°50’ Taurus), conjunct fixed star Algenib in the constellation of Pegasus
Baring in mind that Mars (24°48’ rx Aries), ruler of this Full Moon, is still conjunct Lilith (27°49’ Aries), both square Saturn (25°20’ Capricorn) and Pluto (22°29’ rx Capricorn), that we are still dealing with a lot of underlying anger and frustration, inhibitions and restrictions that have been building up since August.
This Full Moon confronts us with the collective pain of being unable to be direct and assertive in a healthy way and the many wounds the sacred masculine has gone through over the past millennia. 
As our freedom and our healthy self-expression get restricted, blocked, and denied, it is easy to get stuck in one’s anger, to pester, nag and bite… or to become anxious, tense and nervous. It is more challenging to allow a new potent warrior/warriorness to rise, one that is protecting and defending the Earth and all life, always speaking the truth in whatever circumstances, never giving away his/her independence, utterly connected to his/her heart.
Lots is changing and the best and most important place to start always is oneself. This Full Moon gives us the opportunity to change the way we used to go about certain things, to become pioneers.
Be flexible and find different ways. Use the fire of the simmering anger in new creative healthy ways. Say no. Claim your sovereignty. Now after now after now (whatever we do in each Now effects both the past and the future). Find your medicine, tap into your wisdom. Rise above the difficulties. Learn humility. Gather your will and determination. Stick to your aspiration. Only change how you manifest as you stay responsive to what the world needs from you.
Remember Pegasus is the child of Medea – connect to her wisdom, and of Neptune – strengthen to your dream-ability. 
Use the Moon window between 30th September and 2nd October to tune into the energies of the Full Moon. Watch the Moon set or rise. Meditate. Walk the eighth. Drum. Make a fire. In case you walk the eighth you can imagine your feet touching the ground scrape its surface and cause new inspiring springs to gush forth and/or provide fertile soil for new seeds (of the sacred masculine and sacred feminine equally).
image credit: socialtrendspr0 / pixabay
Full Moon October

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