New Moon – 10.07.2021

the next New Moon is on 10th July at 1.17am 
Moon and Sun are at 18°01’ Cancer
sesquiquadrate Jupiter (1°35’ Pisces rx), sextile Uranus (14°06’ Taurus), semisextile Venus (15°34’ Leo) and Mars (17°37’ Leo), trine Neptune (23°08’ Pisces rx), square Chiron (12°54’ Aries), conjunct Wasat in the constellation of Gemini
the invitations of this New Moon is to leave our comfort zone, open the door for freedom and liberation, to express and experience everything differently, to release all negative restrictive limiting things/people/behaviour/thoughts.
this brings the opportunity to increase our self-awareness and our awareness of life / the world. we can find out who and what we are in truth.
this brings the opportunity to consciously stop living in any fear and to consciously choose love as the source of all our thoughts.
the old (familiar, known, what we have been identifying with) can be released and worked with. especially around self-worth, assertiveness, creative expression. 
it is also a good time to honour the deepest feelings we have, those that give us security and support, that make us feel at home within ourselves. and to care about them ourselves.
this New Moon also speaks of new changing restrictions, malevolence, destructiveness, poisons. no matter what comes the way, best not to step into heaviness and depression but to centre and align with the Truth and our intuition, and „speak with confidence when others are waffling“.
dreams and meditation are allowing us to tap deeper into and trust more the Truth (instead of the fear-based created reality the mind is so familiar with).
this New Moon happens just prior to the next Venus-Moon conjunction and Innana’s step through the next gate on her ascend from the underworld.
use the Moon window anytime between Friday and Saturday (drum, walk the eight, meditate,…) to free yourself so we all bring more of our true (divine) Self into the world.
image credit: Barbara A Lane / pixabay
New Moon – 10.07.2021

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