New Moon – 7.9.2021

The next New Moon is on 7th September at 12..52 am UT
Moon and Sun are at 14°38’ Virgo
trine Uranus (14°39’ rx Taurus), opposite Neptune (21° 59’ rx Pisces), conjunct fixed star Coxa on the back hip of the Lion
as the aspect to Uranus is so close, this will be the dominating energy. we can expect the unexpected, something new, a sudden change, which brings us outside our norm, outside our routine, and allows us to express more of our uniqueness. it is a great time to leave our comfort zone, to receive flashes of insight, to enhance our intuition and our self-awareness. 
The fixed star Coxa (who belonged to Kua, the Oracle) offers the ability for prophecy. Mercury, the ruler of Moon and Sun, is conjunct another fixed star, Porimma, which also gives prophetic insight. The astroid Egeria is also conjunct Moon and Sun. She was the giver of laws and rituals, a female advisor who gave wisdom and prophecy.
So for me this New Moon does strongly invite to to either use our abilities as seers, or to start activating the seer within, to open up and, bypassing the mind, to receive information about what is unfolding. 
This New Moon also allows us to deepen our dream capacities, to receive insights and prophecy via our dreams. We may even find ourselves during the day entering moments of dream-state.
Use the Moon window between Monday and Wednesday (dream, meditate, drum, walk the eight) and let yourself be surprised by what you discover about yourself and/or the time we live in.
image credit: stux / pixabay
New Moon – 7.9.2021

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