
New Moon – 13th January 2021

The first New Moon this year is on Wednesday, 13th January at 5am UT   Moon and Sun are at 23°13’ Capricorn conjunct Pluto (24°35’ Capricorn), sextile Neptune (18°44’ Pisces), conjunct fixed stars Deneb Okab in the constellation of the Eagle and Peacock in the constellation of Pavo, and – taking a wide orb – conjunct Saturn (3°02’ Aquarius). If not taking a […]

Messages from the Spirit World – December 2020

Here are the results (the coagulated answers of the spirits are in italics) of the Tele Study Circle in December 2020.   We explored our personal clarity – regarding our life, our acting, our alignment, our thinking, feeling, our strength, our divinity. into the cave to the well with its crystal clear water that, like […]

Full Moon – 30th December 2020

the next full moon is on Wednesday 30th December at 3.28 am UT   Moon 8°53’ Cancer (Sun 8°53’ Capricorn) opposite Mercury (14°42’ Capricorn), sextile Lilith (7°46’ Taurus) and Uranus (6°49’ Taurus), square Chiron (5°02’ Aries), conjunct fixed star Alhena in the constellation of Gemini   the year began with a Cancer full moon and ends with one, […]

New Moon eclipse – 14.12.2020

The next New Moon is on 14th December at 4.16 pm UTand the second eclipse of the new eclipse season. It is a Total Solar eclipse – visible from Argentina, Chile, South Pacific, and South Atlantic. Moon and Sun 23°08′ Sagittariusconjunct Mercury (20°05′ Sagittarius), trine Mars (20°43′ Aries), sesquiquadrate Uranus (7°07′ rx Taurus), square Neptune […]

Message of the Spirit World – 20.11.2020

seeing and feeling the changing times, the clashing of the old structures with the not yet manifested new energies, our intention for this Friday’s tele study circle is to investigate, research, explore the unknown increasing energy and transformation taking place.  we have received information, teaching, guidance, healing regarding what we as humans can do so […]

Message from the Spirit World – 13.11.2020

while writing the last blog article I realised how important the shadow work and the dying out of the limiting structures, identifications is and although we have already digged deep and transformed a lot in the Study Circle since March, we have not reached bottom yet. so the intention for the tele study circle was to gain […]

Full Moon Eclipse – 30 November 2020

The next Full Moon is on 30th November at 9.29 am UTand opens the next eclipse season  Moon is 8°38’ Gemini (Sun 8°38’ Sagittarius)quincunx Venus (10°57’ Scorpio), semi sextile Uranus (7°32’ rx Taurus), sesquiquadrate Pluto (23°15’ Capricorn) and Jupiter (26°01’ Capricorn), sextile Chiron (5°03’ rx Aries), conjunct the divine Royal fixed star Aldebaran in the constellation of […]

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