
Message from the Spirit World – 21.08.2020

The energies of the New Moon invited us to create a funeral pyre. The (quantum) physicists have observed that our choice, our focus, what we observe in the present moment decides what has already happened in the past (quantum double slit and delayed-choice experiment). We can change our past through the present. Something that shamans have been […]

New Moon August 2020

The next New Moon is 19th August, 2.42 am UTC Moon and Sun are 26°35’ Leo,conjunct Mercury (28°07’ Leo), quincunx Saturn (26°38 rx Capricorn), trine Mars (24°54’ Aries) and Lilith (22°56’ Aries), semisquare Venus (10°59’ Cancer), sextile North Node (27°26’ Gemini), conjunct fixed stars Alfard in the constellation of the water snake, Adhafera (! also been called the funeral pyre) […]

Message from the Spirit World – 7.8.2020

With the increase of different opinions and explanations, each person and group utterly convinced about theirs, it becomes clearer that so much is unclear, uncertain. Eg: one can‘t believe/trust the media, the press, the politicians, and whom from all other clever people spreading their opinions is speaking the truth one can‘t know either. One can […]

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