magic soul | Burguffeler Str.4 | 34376 Immenhausen | 

Year: 2020

Message from the Spirit World – 11.09.2020

“All interactions in our universe involve an essential energy that guides the movement of every particle, and determines every outcome. Those who understand and utilise this energy are able to control the thoughts and actions of the multitude of humanity only as long as the latter are devoid of their own access it.” (Kevin Daniel Annett)  Sun […]

New Moon – September 2020

The next New Mon is tomorrow, 17th September, 11am UT   Moon and Sun are at 25°00′ Virgo trine Saturn (25°27’ rx Capricorn) and Pluto (22°33’ rx Capricorn), sesquiquadrate Uranus (10°15’ rx Taurus), square the Nodes (24°31’ Gemini/Sagittarius), quincunx Lilith (26°12’ Aries) and Mars (27°43’ rx Aries), opposite Neptune (19°23’ rx Pisces), conjunct the fixed […]

Full Moon September 2020

Next Full Moon is 2nd September, 5.22 am UT   Moon 10.12 Pisces (Sun 10.12 Virgo) sextile Uranus (10.33 rx Taurus), sesquiquadrate Venus (25.35 Cancer), semisquare Lilith (24.30 Aries), Mars (27.42 Aries) and Saturn (25.55 rx Capricorn), conjunct Neptune (19.48 rx Pisces) , conjunct fixed stars in the constellation of the Water Bearer.   Change […]

Message from the Spirit World – 21.08.2020

The energies of the New Moon invited us to create a funeral pyre. The (quantum) physicists have observed that our choice, our focus, what we observe in the present moment decides what has already happened in the past (quantum double slit and delayed-choice experiment). We can change our past through the present. Something that shamans have been […]

New Moon August 2020

The next New Moon is 19th August, 2.42 am UTC Moon and Sun are 26°35’ Leo,conjunct Mercury (28°07’ Leo), quincunx Saturn (26°38 rx Capricorn), trine Mars (24°54’ Aries) and Lilith (22°56’ Aries), semisquare Venus (10°59’ Cancer), sextile North Node (27°26’ Gemini), conjunct fixed stars Alfard in the constellation of the water snake, Adhafera (! also been called the funeral pyre) […]

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