„We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.“
~ T.S. Eliot
This group is for all people who have the interest to expand their consciousness, to explore the manifold energies of existence with new senses.
We are finding answers for our ordinary life with all its entanglements and attachments from a different consciousness, we arrive at new insights, we experience and intensify our rootedness and our connection with all forces, we experience our creativity, we create and experience growth and healing for us and others.
The more frequently the participation the more continually we can work personally and as the group.
To bring:
Drum, candle
Meeting once a month (usually the last Friday), 8pm
Minimum participation 6 months
Requirement: Shamanic basic seminar (way of shaman or equivalent)
Costs: 50,- €
Participation only after application